Coaching FAQs

What is coaching?

Coaching offers a nurturing space to focus on your aspirations and unlock your potential for positive change. My relational approach involves attentive listening and thoughtful reflection so you can gain clarity on your own perspectives. Rather than providing answers, I empower you to draw on your inner wisdom, helping you chart a course towards the life you envision. Coaching illuminates the solutions within you. 

What’s the difference between coaching and mentoring?

A mentor shares their knowledge by offering advice, contacts and suggestions. A coach creates a neutral space for you to discover your own answers through self-directed learning. Coaching builds self-reliance.

Is coaching therapy?

While coaching can touch on emotions or the past if you bring it up, the focus is on your present situation and future aspirations. It's about unpicking where you want to be and how to get there. Therapy often processes past events to address current issues. Consider coaching to explore new possibilities or therapy to work through deep-seated patterns.

What happens in a session?

Sessions last 50 minutes in person or online. Make sure you have privacy to fully focus without being overheard. Bring an issue you want to explore or we can discover a focus together. I'll listen, reflect back, ask questions and offer exercises like visualization to spur new thinking.

What can I use coaching for?

Use coaching to overcome blocks, gain clarity and transform any area of life - relationships, work, home or personal growth. I can support you in achieving the change you want.

How is coaching regulated?

Coaching remains unregulated in the UK, so check credentials. I am accredited and supervised by Relational Dynamics 1st, a member of the Association for Coaching, and committed to ongoing development and best practice. With my qualifications and experience, I provide professional coaching to help you thrive.