Exploring Life Through the Lens of Mortality

Embracing Death to Enrich Life

In our society, conversations about death and grief are often avoided or approached with discomfort. Yet, engaging with our mortality can be a profound catalyst for personal growth, creativity, and a deeper appreciation of life. As a certified Death Companion and creative facilitator, I offer a range of services to help you explore these themes in a supportive, thoughtful environment.

How I Can Support You

Death Café Facilitation

As a regular table host with Creating Conversations Death and Grief Cafes in Waltham Forest, London, I facilitate safe spaces for open, honest discussions about death and dying. These gatherings offer a chance to:

- Share your thoughts and feelings about mortality

- Listen to diverse perspectives on death and grief

- Explore how awareness of death can inform and enrich your life

Death-Aware Coaching

Drawing on my training as a Death Companion with Living Well Dying Well, I bring a death-aware approach to my coaching practice. This unique perspective can help you:

- Confront fears or anxieties about death

- Find meaning and purpose in light of life's finite nature

- Make decisions aligned with your values and desires

- Navigate grief and loss with greater resilience

Creative Mortality Workshops

I facilitate immersive, hands-on workshops that use creativity to explore themes of mortality:

Memento Mori Workshop: Create personal symbols of mortality, reflecting on life's transience and preciousness.

Underfoot Explored: Process local wild clay, connecting with the earth's cycles and our ancestral past.

These workshops offer a tactile, imaginative way to engage with mortality, often leading to profound insights and emotional breakthroughs.

My Approach

My work in this field is informed by:

- Certification as a Death Companion from Living Well Dying Well

- Regular facilitation of Death and Grief Cafes

- My background in art and creative facilitation

- Personal exploration of mortality themes in my artistic practice

I bring empathy, openness, and creativity to these often challenging conversations, creating a supportive environment for exploration and growth.

Benefits of Engaging with Mortality

Confronting our mortality can lead to:

- Greater appreciation for life and relationships

- Clarity about personal values and priorities

- Reduced anxiety about death and the unknown

- More meaningful conversations with loved ones

- Inspiration for creative expression and personal growth

Let's Connect

Whether you're curious about death cafes, seeking death-aware coaching, or interested in exploring mortality through creative workshops, I'm here to support your journey.

Arrange a Conversation

Remember, engaging with mortality isn't about dwelling on the end, but about enriching the life you're living now.


Focus Areas: Death Cafe facilitation | Death-aware coaching | Creative mortality workshops | Grief support | Exploring life through the lens of death