What I do

With roots in sculpture and over a decade working with bronze patination, I have an enthusiasm for intuitive creation and am excited by the alchemical interactions between materials, emotions, and the unseen. My work combines this experience with helping others overcome creative hurdles and facilitating meaningful conversations about death and grief.

What I do

  • Create artworks that capture the essence of absence and presence

  • Guide fellow creatives through blocks, helping them reconnect with their artistic voice

  • Facilitate conversations around death and grief

  • Offer support as a death companion and death-positive coach

How I Can Help You

For Creative Souls

If you're feeling stuck creatively, yearning to break free from self-doubt or seeking to deepen your creative practice, I'm here to provide a supportive space for you to explore and grow.

For Those Curious About Mortality

As a certified death companion through Living Well Dying Well, I offer:

  • Death-positive coaching to help you explore your relationship with mortality

  • A safe and open space to discuss end-of-life matters

  • Table hosting for Death Cafes, facilitating group discussions about death and dying

  • Creative workshops involving clay and mortality, enabling making and conversation

My aim is to demystify conversations about death, helping you approach this natural part of life with curiosity, openness, and less fear.

Ready for a creative adventure or a meaningful exploration of life and death? Let's chat and see where your imagination and curiosity can take you!

It’s a creative and safe space to discuss and experiences ideas of death and the complexities of life.” - Memento Mori Workshop participant