Developing Creative Resilience

If you're a creative who feels your imaginative spirit has been stifled, I'm here to help you break free and reconnect with your creativity.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You feel stuck, uninspired, or disconnected from your artistic voice

  • Self-doubt, perfectionism, or fear are holding you back

  • You yearn to create but find yourself paralysed by creative blocks

  • You're unsure how to break free and see where your creative journey can take you

If this resonates with you, I can help.

How I Can Help

I work with creative individuals to transform self-doubt into creative freedom, empowering them to overcome blocks and rediscover their artistic passion and purpose. Drawing upon my experience in arts management, my own artistic practice, and 12 years of working as a craftsperson, I bring a deep understanding of the creative journey and the common struggles creatives face in being vulnerable and becoming seen.

In Our Sessions, We'll Work Together To:

✰ Identify and overcome specific challenges hindering your creative expression

✰ Develop greater self-awareness and confidence in your unique creative voice

✰ Reframe negative self-talk and move away from your inner critic

✰ Transform creative paralysis into inspired action

✰ Reignite your enthusiasm and joy for the creative process

The Transformative Power of Coaching

Coaching provides a unique space for self-discovery and growth. Our sessions become a nurturing environment where you can explore your inner wisdom, gain clarity, and enact positive changes. Through imaginative exercises, attentive listening, and thoughtful reflection, I help you rediscover your inner strengths and support you to make choices rooted in what matters most to you.

This process frees you from self-doubt and empowers you to dream boldly and see pathways toward what you truly desire in life. My clients often describe coaching as a profoundly meaningful experience that builds self-confidence and a renewed, optimistic mindset.

What People Say

"Before working with Hannah, I felt a discrepancy between the creative person I was in my head and my daily routine that left almost no space for creativity. In our coaching sessions, I made the first steps towards creating the future I want, both through visualising what that entailed and making a commitment to myself to honour that vision." - Laura S.

I finished my time with Hannah feeling more sure of myself, and proud that I made the time and 'did the work' to reflect on a new chapter in my life and readjust. I feel like I have helped to lay the foundations for my coming years, and have a more positive outlook on life." - Shannon K.

Let's Connect

Sessions are 50 minutes and can take place via Zoom or in person for your convenience. I recommend at least 3 sessions to generate maximum impact, with the option for more tailored to your needs.

If you're ready to break free from self-doubt and creative blocks, rediscovering your artistic passion and purpose, let's connect and explore how we can work together to support you on your path to creative freedom and fulfilment.

Arrange an Exploratory Chat

To find out more, see my Coaching FAQs, Cost, and Coaching Testimonials pages.


Focus Areas: Creative coaching | Transforming self-doubt into creative freedom | Overcoming creative blocks | Rediscovering artistic passion and purpose | Building creative confidence | Developing a consistent creative practice | Embracing your unique creative voice